Sunday, December 20, 2009

Frustration with Customer Service

I was reminded today that yelling at customer service people does NOT produce my desired result, and asking for a manager, staying calm, and insisting that they give me good service almost always does produce the desired result. Today I stayed calm and got my desired result.

Friday, December 18, 2009

What do you need? What can you give?

All you need is love… All you need is love… All you need is love, love. Love is all you need. And love is what I am committed to giving.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Asking for help

How often do we need help and not ask for it? I am committed to asking for help, whether or I want to or not. Because that is what works.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

People that go unnoticed

Everyone in my life matters. The person that makes my coffee. The guy that unloads my trash at the dump. The waitress that takes my lunch order. The homeless man in the parking garage stairs. How often do we look past those people, or just ignore them, like they aren't even there? Who in your life are you ignoring because they are not that important?

Monday, December 14, 2009


The job of a leader is to support each person on his/her team to grow in effectiveness, scope and responsibility as fast as possible, which rapidly increases the organization’s capability and bandwidth. Who are you growing right now?

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I am in charge of my own happiness. Not my colleagues, customers, boardmembers, family members, friends, people I meet. Me. I decide if I am going to be happy or not. Who is in charge of your happiness?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Calming myself

It is amazing how much stress goes away when I stop and take 5 deep breaths. Try it right now. You will be amazed at how calm and grounded you instantly become.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting out of overwhelm

When faced with an overwhelming pile of work, what I always end up doing is just making myself plow through it. One foot in front of the other.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Days when I think I don't measure up

Some days I do not measure up to the high standards I set for myself. On those days I need to celebrate what I did accomplish, and let go of my perfectionism.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The key to creativity and happiness

The key to my creativity and happiness is connecting with my inner voice, my subconscious, on a daily basis. I do that through guided meditation (centering).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who are you projecting onto?

Most of the issues I see in others are really issues I have in myself that I am not yet willing to take responsibility for. This is called Projection and is a powerful tool if you are wiling to check it out. Who are you projecting your issues onto?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Patience and Discipline

Patience: Waiting for the right moment. Discipline: Sticking to the plan no matter what. When I stop doing either of these, bad things happen. And when I live my live based on these two principles, miracles happen.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What if love is all there is?

“Love is the opening door. Love is what we came here for.” Lesley Duncan for Elton John, 1976. What if that is true? What if that is what we came here for?

What if that is all that there is? What if all the other stuff (ego, fear, selfishness, manipulation, defensiveness, shutting down, running away, attacks, resentment, pretense, lying, frustration, impatience, etc) are just distractions and detours from the main road we are supposed to be on, which is the road to love: Love of ourselves, and Love of each other. No matter what.

What if Love is all there is? If that was true, how would it change the way you live your life?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Taking the high road

Today’s thought: When I am in conflict in a relationship (at home or at work), why is it that I am always the one that reaches out and apologizes, or offers to do something for them, or expresses my love to them, or finds a way to meet their need/request, or asks them how I can help? Because I can and I choose to.

Who are you in conflict with right now that you could reach out to?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Intentions equal results

Today’s thought: Intentions do equal Results. Yesterday I watched my son stand outside in the cold for hours doing anything and everything to find us a pair of tickets for the price we were willing to pay. He talked to scalpers. He held up a sign. He checked the ticket counter frequently. He chased down rumors of tickets. He asked everybody that walked by. He had me go on my laptop and keep trying to buy tickets. And in the end, some last minute tickets did go on sale, he found out about it right away, got to the front of the crowd, and got us the tickets!!! So we got to see what might be the last Bruce Springsteen/E Street Band concert ever! (the tour ended with last night’s show in Buffalo)

Having a strong intention shifts my actions and dramatically increases the odds of success. What are your intentions?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friendship at its best

The best friendships are the ones that are based on each person supporting the other in achieving their goals and dreams, even if that leads to seeing less of eachother.

One person can transform a relationship

One person can transform a relationship. I have done it and I have seen it done. It starts and ends with loving and respecting the other person no matter what they do to you. It is pretty hard for someone to continue hating and mistreating you when you always love and honor them and treat them well no matter how badly they are behaving. Pretty soon, if one person comes from love no matter what, the relationship shifts from a downward spiral to an upward spiral.

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is important to me?

To see what matters to me, I only need to watch where I spend my time and energy. Where do you spend your time and energy? What is important to you?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What causes the world to change?

Today’s thought: “Never doubt that a small group of very committed people can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead.

Our Kachingle team is such a team, and we ARE changing the world.

What small and highly committed team have you joined, or what small and highly committed team can you join?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's not personal!

Thought for the day: It’s just not personal, even when we are sure it is. The key to success is to avoid taking things personally, no matter what. What are you taking personally right now, where you could shift your focus to your goals and/or the goals of your organization?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Investing in yourself

Today’s thought: We often forget to invest in ourselves. Between the daily grind, and doing things for others, we can lose ourselves. What will you do for yourself today?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What can you celebrate?

Today’s thought: We often forget to celebrate our accomplishments. Celebration is critical to staying balanced and happy. What accomplishment can you celebrate right now?

Perseverance and Commitment

"Never doubt that a small group of highly committed people can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has." Cynthia Typaldos invented Kachingle 5 and a half years ago. Over the past more than 5 years, a small group of people who saw her vision and believed in the platform she was creating, toiled day and night, for no pay and no acknowledgment, just for the chance to own a piece of the future. Tonight, after 5 years of perseverance, those people were rewarded with the launching of Kachingle.

What are you highly committed to in your life? Where can you add commitment and perseverance to produce some big result?